Content from 2019-03

Communicating Science

posted on 2019-03-25

“What can we do to communicate our research to the public?” This was the question for a discussion session with some of my colleagues last week. Many scientists see the need for this kind of communication, but few know how to go about it, and even fewer actively do it. After all, how do you explain your work on, say, a channel protein of the Venus Flytrap to your neighbour, and why should he bother listening? It is a challenge. But believing that it's worth the effort to try, here are some general principles we found.


The Monday Challenge

posted on 2019-03-19

Yesterday, a friend of mine impressed upon me the importance of “showing up regularly”. We were just discussing another friend's plan to launch a podcast and were talking about how to become visible on the web. “You have to show up”, he said, “no matter how rubbish you may feel that day – your audience has to know you will be there. It's not important whether your schedule is daily, weekly, or monthly, but you have to stick to it.” Pretty challenging words, I thought, but perhaps just the advice I needed to hear. So here is the Monday Challenge.


Die Freuden der Vogelbeobachtung

posted on 2019-03-16

In meinem Bachelorstudium habe ich einen Freund kennengelernt, der begeisterter Ornithologe ist. Nach Vorlesungen brach er oft mit seinem Fernglas und einem Notizbuch zu Vogelspaziergängen auf und war bald im ganzen Lehrstuhl als unser Vogelexperte bekannt. Ich fand das immer ziemlich cool, konnte es aber nie so ganz verstehen – was fand er nur an den Vögeln? Nun, vor ein paar Monaten hat mich der “Orni-Virus” auch infiziert. Und mittlerweile verstehe ich etwas besser, warum Vögel zu beobachten so viel Spaß macht.


Review: Becoming Michelle Obama

posted on 2019-03-04

Becoming is Michelle Obama's autobiography, begun soon after she and her family left the White House and proving an instant international bestseller after being published last year. The popularity is deserved: although her story is long, it is told with a warmth and openness that makes it an engaging and thought-provoking read. And that is before she even reaches the White House.


Unless otherwise credited all material Creative Commons License by Daniel Vedder.
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