Content tagged social media

How do we know the vaccine works?

posted on 2021-12-17

In the past few months, and especially in the last weeks, I have been doing some pretty intensive research on the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines. I was getting a lot of questions on it from some of my friends, and I wanted to be able to give them my perspective on this as a biologist looking at the scientific literature. I've been working on a longer document looking at all sorts of issues that people bring up, but for starters I‘d like to give a quick overview of some of the studies that look at the vaccines’ efficacy. In other words: how do we know these vaccines actually work?


Putting the vaccinated at risk

posted on 2021-09-24

Background: A friend of mine shared a meme about Covid vaccinations with the caption: “The protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the unprotected.” Here is my response:


Tote Kinder durch Corona-Impfung?

posted on 2021-06-30

Hintergrund: Eine Bekannte teilte online die Analyse eines Biologen (Hervé Seligmann), nach der angeblich Covid-Impfungen von Erwachsenen zu einer erhöhten Mortalität bei nicht-geimpften Kindern führt. Hier schaue ich mir diese “Studie” genauer an:


On the effectivity of masks against Covid-19

posted on 2021-04-29

Background: A friend of mine shared a post that quoted the CDC as saying: “CDC is not aware of any randomized control trials that show that masks or double masks or cloth face coverings are effective against COVID-19.” As my response turned out a bit longer than expected, I'm archiving it here for future reference…


Guns and Numbers

posted on 2019-04-29

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine pointed out an article on gun control to me, which made the following claim: “Armed citizens are successful 94% of the time at active shooter events”. Written by a firearms training company, it analyses shoot-outs in the United States between 2000 and 2017. Basically, it says that armed citizens are highly effective at stopping shootings (and therefore, that more citizens ought to be armed). Having been asked to fact-check the article, here is what I think.


Unless otherwise credited all material Creative Commons License by Daniel Vedder.
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